An Online Critique Group with Members from Coast to Coast
Code of Conduct
Critiques, literary criticism and editing should be focused on the written word, not the author, and should be delivered in the spirit of education with appreciation of the effort behind the writing process.
Speculative fiction may be shocking, irreverent, impossible, or disregard social norms. However, if a work contains potentially offensive material, the author should warn those asked to critique or edit the work.
Members may decline to critique or edit offensive material.
Avoid improper use of the Club’s membership information.
Do not share membership information, Members writings, or critique materials with anyone outside of the Club unless approved by the authoring Member or as required for internal business purposes or by law.
Avoid behavior that damages the reputation of the Club or other Members.
Harassing, discriminatory, or violent acts are not allowed.
Members should make every effort to attend the online critique sessions for which they submit and/or respond that they will attend.
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in warning notices, temporary suspension, or expulsion from the Association.